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I am finally back to blogging!!!!

I am finally taking time to do a blog, seems like things have been so busy around here. My sewing has picked up so much, getting new clients all the time. I do have a question, if I am this busy should I do more advertising, I have a chance to run an ad on the radio, sounds like a great deal, just not sure if I should spend the money when I am this busy. Any suggestions, I know I may not always be this busy. I am really liking the warmer temps and the sun shine, it makes a person what to get so much more accomplished. Everything looks so pretty out the grass is so green, we did get the yard mowed yesterday before all of the rain showers. Well this is a short blog but hope I will continue to keep it updated more often. Better get back to some of my sewing projects, I have a wedding gown to do alterations on, need to make a little pillowcase dress, have pockets and collars to put on shirts, and alterations on a bridesmaid dress, that are just a few of the things I can think of right now. I hope everyone will check out my sewing page on facebook!! Cheryl's Sewing by Cheryl Arnold you will see all of the items I can make.

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